French teaching
French teaching
Cours de Français et Ateliers de langue Francaise 法語課程及工作坊,以了解更多
Bonjour, voulez vous participer à des Ateliers de langue Française ? 您好,您想參加研討會法語?
Je suis Français et j'organise dans votre région à Taiwan des ateliers de langue française et des cours particuliers pour pratiquer la langue et la compréhension ainsi que la prononciation, le vocabulaire et la grammaire, travail basé généralement sur des livres de langue pour la préparation du DELF et du DALF. Je suis patient et j'adapte mon enseignement en fonction des besoins de chaque élève.
I am French and I organise French in your area some conversations meetings and some personnal teaching, for talking and understanding, pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar, working on books for DELF and DALF. I am patient and I will adapt my teaching depending on you. 我相信法國,我在您的舉辦講習班和地區的法語課程,實踐的語言和理解,發音,詞彙和語法,通常是工作的基礎上語言書籍的編寫法語和DALF 。我很耐心,我照顧我的教學的需要,每個學生。
(In order to propose a basic translation in Chinese for a better knowledge of the subject, this translation has been done with Google translator and include a lot of mistake ! Sorry for the inconvenience ! 為了提出一個基本的翻譯為中國更好地了解這個問題,這個翻譯已經完成,谷歌翻譯和包含了很多錯誤!很抱歉給您帶來的不便!)
Mais si vous voulez améliorer votre Français, commençons cette fois par une explication en Anglais pour vous faciliter la tâche... But if you want to improve your French, let's begin this time by an explanation in English to make things easier ... 但是,如果你想要改善您的法語,這個時候開始的解釋,使英文更容易的事情...
My name is Uxar and I use to organise some conversations meetings regularly for practicing talking and understanding French language, as well correcting mistakes, pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar, orally and with the help of manuals for reading and writing, preparation for DELF and DALF.
I use to teach since 1999 and specifically French since 4 years and my professional experience is based on teaching as Professor and Lecturer of « History of Art » in University in France and as Intervener in Cinema Industry in France since 20 years. I did already now write different books, as some traveling books and Art book.
It is as a teacher of hairdresses, wigs and historical hairdresses for cinema that I use to teach first since many years now, for professional and for beginers. I have as well the experience to teach since 9 years the scuba diving in French and in English in different country around the world and my diplomas are recognise in USA by the Education Council as an official teacher too.
After teaching language in some other country as Laos, I use to teach since 2 years in Taiwan, in Kaohsiung, in Yilan and then now in Changhua county, for adults and for children too. I still use to give often some conferences in the main university in Taiwan
Level of students: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced. Elementary, Junior High School, High School, University, Business, Adult. Personnal teaching or groups.
Bring your friends, discount from 2 students. Contact me, I will give you further more information.
Thank you for your interest. Merci pour votre visite de mon site et pour votre appréciation.
Waiting for your news, à bientôt,
Bien cordialement, Uxar
Answers to your main questions : - I am sorry I don't speak Mandarin, I just start to learn. - But I use to teach French with adults by explaining in English for the translation of especial sentences, words,etc... Then I suppose that you are speaking a good English language, so it wouldn't be a probleme in that case, especially because English is close to French, and it's easier for a Taiwanese people to understand then the right feeling... - I use to adapt myself to the need of each student, so I first need to know what is your level in French, your level of studying French, and the manuals you did use for learning French. - Did you study French at school and how many years ? Any study in Alliance Française or other ? - Which kind of books did you practice with for working French ? Festival, Tempo, Connexion, or other manuals and wich level, 1 or 2 or 3 ? - And what is the way you want to work French for now ? For business, personal convenience, travelling, ... ?
- Have you ever been in France, where, how many times and how long time ? - I use to organise different kinds of teaching French, from personnal teaching to group conversations : - Group conversation are some meeting with different people and speaking French on some specific subject each time, for practicing understanding, pronunciation based on different topics like actuality and news, culture, music, food, ... - Personnal teaching is based on working on books, and practicing understanding, reading, exercices, grammar, conjugation, and work with Audio CD too. I use to get some specific skills on my computer too, depending on the place of the meeting (I need to get internet for it). - As working place, depending on you and some several students too. I can come to Changhua City or main city in the area if I have several students on the same day or in the same group, maybe you know some other people could be interesting with. But for a single student it is not yet possible for me to come to Changhua and in that case I need to ask you to come to join me once a week for 2 or 3 hours of French studying. I can have a nice place and quiet for working well.
Let's organise together later !... I let you see for all that proposal, give me more information of what you need exactly, I am waiting for your questions.